Rewarding consumers for tracking and minimizing their carbon footprints
Where it started
When Exelon wanted to create a fun, interactive tool to encourage consumers to reduce their carbon footprints, the company chose Futurehaus.
  • New, profitable mobile app, EcoCRED,
    that incentivizes sustainable energy use
  • Internal and external pilot launches
  • Product positioning strategy
  • App redesign based on user feedback
  • More than 20,000 daily active app use
Metrics at a glance
Daily active
app use
The EcoCRED welcome screen for a logged in user, showing their carbon footprint.
Featured habits screen where users can see and complete habits to reduce their footprint.
Community screen where users can see how they compare to others.
What we did
Working in partnership with their in-house team, we facilitated design workshops to identify which possible features people wanted. We found that language was important if users were to understand their carbon footprint. People appreciated specific comparisons to which they could relate, such as saving four trees today. And we introduced the idea of streaks, increased rewards over time to help boost long-term engagement.

We built, tested, and iterated on prototypes, critical precursors for the strategic development of a new app. The result: EcoCRED, a gamification and storytelling app that allows individuals and organizations to measure, track, and manage their carbon footprints, and earn credits and bonuses as they do.

We worked with Exelon to launch a consumer and business facing version on the App Store. During the project, we trained Exelon’s in-house team and engineers, so they could continue to effectively manage the product, learn from their audience, measure how well the app was doing, and adapt quickly thanks to a solid foundation. We helped Exelon consider various business models for the new tool, which now boasts more than 25,000 daily active users who are doing their part for planet Earth.
  • Design and technology strategy
  • Research, including stakeholder
    and expert interviews
  • Problem definition and feature prioritization
  • Prototyping
  • User experience and visual design
  • Agile product development
  • Launch and product support
  • Internal product team training
  • Sustainable business model development
In collaboration with
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